5 weeks, 6 days...
The number of weeks and days pregnant I was when I first discovered the news.
5 weeks, 6 days...
The remaining number of weeks and days of my pregnancy (if Baby J arrives on time)
It's funny really isn't it, those first 5 weeks and 6 days of my pregnancy flew by, largely because I had no idea I was in fact carrying a little foetus at that point! )needless to say, the days and weeks that followed before the 3 month scan most certainly made up for the blissful ignorance of the early days)
The remaining 5 weeks and 6 days of my pregnancy, I am assured by a number of trustworthy sources will do anything but fly by.
Personally, I still find that days are whizzing by and I am still very light on my feet, enjoying exercise and mobility as much as the next girl. I am sure though, that as the days go by, and Baby J continues to bloom I will feel more and more sluggish and that magic day will seem like it's never going to arrive.
Pregnancy is a numbers game.
A waiting game broken up by milestones, milestones only achieved by time. The 3 month scan, the 20 week scan, the growth scan, the kick first felt at week XXX, the days his nose is formed, the stage at which is bones develop, the early days when you first hear a heartbeat and so on.
I often joke that food defines my pregnancy (not the act of eating... this time, the references made in all the books to various fruits & vegetables at different stages of the babies development... a cantaloupe, a lettuce, a tomato, a sweet potato and so on) it really is time.
Time defines which fruit or veggie baby's size resembles that week and time dependant on your situation can either disappear on you in the blink of a hat, or it can draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag... like those science lessons that (for me) were spent clock watching in agony...
I hope this isn't one of those things where i've spoken it now, so it will come true... like up until now I've not bragged about how quick my pregnancy has been but now that I've openly posted about it my luck will change and the pace will slow down... considerably.
One thing I do know is that time is running out so I've got to get my act together. In truth, those fears I've read about in all those books are starting to sink in... I don't really know what I am doing... yes I am buying all the gear, now drive a suitable mummy mobile and have a pretty little nursery all ready, but what do I really know about being a parent?
Up until last week's anti natal class I thought that my water would break in a dramatic fashion either in the middle of Tesco's or whilst out to dinner with a group of friends, that I'd be a laughing stock and shock the world into rushing me to hospital for the imminent birth of Baby J... how wrong I was. Yes this might happen... but it most likely won't. As an impatient person I fear that the reality of labour is going to be a tough one for me to deal with!!!!
I wonder what I'll learn at the class tonight?? Hopefully more dreaded truths about things I don't know.
5 weeks, 6 days...
The number of weeks and days pregnant I was when I first discovered the news.
5 weeks, 6 days...
The remaining number of weeks and days of my pregnancy
5 weeks, 6 days...
The time I have to prepare myself for the biggest change I'll ever face & the time I have to learn how to be a parent.... hopefully a good one.
Suddenly I'm hoping he's late...
Not long to go! My friends waters actually broke during the antenatal class - not in the gushing fashion but more of a trickle - could baby J be a valentines baby?