Thursday, 2 January 2014

Back to reality...

Due to the holiday's BumpMoirs has taken a slight backseat over the last few weeks to eating, eating and well more eating! Now that my mat leave has properly kicked in and my plans are slowing, I am sure I will find more time to blog and share stories before the immanent arrival of my little boy.

The break has been fantastic, exactly what I needed. Some quality time with the hubs, the family and good friends.  After the "BabyMoon" (which was just wonderful) the hubs and I headed to his hometown from some family time with the in-laws. I always like getting out of London, whilst home time flies and days disappear so fast. When out of London days just seem longer and more relaxing. The hubs is always so happy when he's home too, he loves his family so much and adores spending time with them which is so wonderful to see and be part of.  It was a great few days that were followed by more great days back home.

Christmas day was supreme. My mum is a superb cook and prepared a festive feast for 25 family members which was hoovered down by all in record time. I was so full after Christmas dinner that I suffered stomach pains for a good few hours after eating!!!

The days that followed all of sort of rolled into one. All I remember is a lot of leftovers, a lot of engagements, a few babies and a lot of movies on the couch with the Hubs.

I suppose the most significant thing that was achieved over the break was completing Baby J's nursery. It all sort of came together one day (after the hubs built the crib and changing table, both Mamas & Papas in case you're keen... in fact most of the nursery items were purchased from there!)

The first time I saw it finished I welled up with delight. I can't believe it's finished. If I look back just a few weeks and think of the developments we've made to our new home I just can't believe it. We've literally gone from a building site, to a near finished (rather stylish if I do say so myself) home and it really does feel like home. 

With just over 7 weeks to go until we finally get to meet to Baby J, I am thrilled with the position we are in. I really didn't think it would all come together so soon. And before you say it, I am fully aware that the nursery won't stay pristine (or white for that matter) for very long, but it's lovely for now!

In case you're interested... here's a taster of the rest of our house...

I've never really been into design, but suddenly I am loving it.... I think I am forcing myself to be into it so that it feels like a fun project rather than a stressful task! to be honest, the main reason why these things are usually stressful is not having the time to do things properly... I can hardly complain about that now can I!

It's funny going through all these days and these tasks whilst pregnant. On the one hand, this pregnancy has flown by... on the other it feels as if I've been pregnant for ever. I can't remember my life (or my body!) before, and let's be honest, everything is effected when pregnant. It seems to come into every decision I make, every morsel I eat and drink and well everything I do! Not to say I am too obsessive (well I am) it is more that it is always there and always a factor.

Pregnancy really does prepare for you motherhood doesn't it? 

Whilst my relationship with the hubs is so wonderful and so close and I am constantly thinking and worrying about him... it is different with Baby J. I am even more passionate, caring and loving towards a bump on my body than I have ever been towards anything in my life.

I've said it before and I'll say it again... pregnancy is so wonderful and something I'll truly miss.... I can only imagine how spectacularly wonderful being a mother will be.

Apologies for today's rather rambling blog post. With so many days away from BumpMoirs I've had lots of thoughts and feelings which are all sort of jumbled together in this post... I hope it at least makes sense!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds bliss! Enjoy that peace things are going to get busy in a good way 2014 - exciting times ahead! :-) x
